The Technology Chapter North America

"Digital Fortitude: Navigating the Future of Technology and Cybersecurity"

Date: 20th-21st November 2024

Location: The Royal Sonesta Boston, Cambridge

Where experience meets investment.

ABM Alliance The Technology Chapter
ABM Alliance The Technology Chapter













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Industry Analysis
Glean the knowledge of your peers to shape your organisation's future 

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Workshops, Fireside Chats & Keynote Addresses

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1 on 1 Meetings
Strategic BANT-qualified meetings based on project alignment 

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Custom Agenda
Be in control of your own agenda. Maximise your experience.



We BANT qualify all executives pre-event to identify their current projects, challenges and investment priorities. This results in hyper qualified and project led 1 on 1 meetings with executives and solution partners onsite, which in turn leads to tangible partnership opportunities.

Senior Executives

Solution Partners

Executive to Solution Partner Ratio  

C-Suite Executives

SVP, VP, Director & Head 



18:30 - 19:00

Welcome Drinks Reception

Kickstart your summit experience and meet new peers with drinks and canapés

19:00 - 21:30

Gala Dinner

Enjoy a 3 course silver service dinner in the ballroom and hear from some special guest speakers 

Keynote Speaker: Phil Venables, Global CISO at Google


Drinks & Networking

Continue conversations and building relationships at the bar



07:30 - 08:30


Fuel up for a full day of networking, experiences and content

08:30 - 09:15

Welcome Address - MOC

Opening Keynote with Q&A - Signature Sponsor:

09:20 - 10:00

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML). Innovation with regulation

With a projected market size of $2 trillion by 2030. This technology is expected to reduce operational costs by 20% across industries, reaching a market size of $298 billion by 2023. Gartner's forecast reveals that by 2026, over 80% of companies will have utilised Generative AI APIs and models, an increase from less than 5% in early 2023. This will democratise knowledge and skills throughout businesses, making vast sources of information readily available to users. However there are governance and regulatory risks that come with new technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Balancing innovation with governance and regulatory controls
  • Training and upskilling of staff to effectively utilise emerging technologies.

Robin Smith, CISO - Aston Martin (14)-1

Cyber Security in the Boardroom

In 2024 and beyond, cybersecurity is a strategic priority that can no longer be siloed in the IT department. Gartner has predicted that by 2026, 70 percent of boards will include at least one member with expertise in the field. This enables organisations to move beyond reactive defence, meaning that they can act on new business opportunities that come with being prepared.

Key Takeaways:
  • Are there enough tech savvy execs on boards that understand the intricacies of cyber security?
  • How do we reduce cross industry friction and avoid new siloes?

Modernising Transformation at Speed

The ever-increasing pace of technology change also has CIOs’ full attention technology continues to evolve, business understand that they need to continue to invest in Digital Transformation initiatives however there are many internal challenges including technical debt, Legacy issues and the modern hybrid workforce. Are CIO’s building building an ongoing culture of innovation” within their IT departments and their organisations as a whole.

Key Takeaways:

  • Driving transformation and innovation through culture change
  • Investment in the right tooling and transformation initiatives

Strategic, predetermined and agreed meetings based on project alignment with executives and solution partners. 

10:05 - 10:45

Demo & Innovation

See first-hand how latest products and services can influence your business

10:45 - 11:00

Networking Break 

Take a break and reflect on the mornings content with peers

11:00 - 11:40

Transforming to Meet Regulatory Requirements

Modernising the customer data stack and adopting emerging technologies that allow organisations to meet regulatory requirements such as offering a customer opt-out capability while still enabling organisations to access and use the data needed to deliver personalised customer service and insights to decision-makers. How do you work with other teams to create and transform how customer data is used, stored and the communication of the value proposition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Modernising the customer stack to personalise the customer experience
  • Effective inter-team management to create the business results

Robin Smith, CISO - Aston Martin (15)-1

Maximising Efficiency: Unlocking the Power of SOC Automation

In today's rapidly evolving threat landscape, organisations face a deluge of security alerts, with an estimated 70% of alerts going uninvestigated due to lack of resources. However, with the implementation of Security Operations Centre (SOC) automation, companies have reported a 76% reduction in time to detect threats and a 63% decrease in the time required to resolve incidents. Furthermore, 85% of organisations have seen an increase in their overall security posture after integrating automation into their SOC workflows.

Key Takeaways:
  • Efficiency Boost: SOC automation significantly reduces response times, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks
  • Enhanced Security: Automation leads to improved threat detection and response, ultimately bolstering the organisation's security posture

Cloud Adoption and Optimisation

Companies are increasingly moving to multi-cloud environments and cloud adoption and optimisation is critical when migrating applications, data and infrastructure to cloud based platforms to ensure optimal utilisation, cost effectiveness and flexibility. This will help company adapt quickly and stay competitive and adapt quickly to changing market conditions. However, leveraging the right cloud tools and platforms is important when monitoring and optimising cloud resources.

Key Takeaways:

  • Developing a cloud adoption strategy that aligns with the company’s goals and alignments
  • Monitoring and optimising cloud resources to ensure cost efficiency and performance.

Strategic, predetermined and agreed meetings based on project alignment with executives and solution partners. 

11:45 - 12:30

Panel Discussion: Building Trust with CIOs and CISOs in the Modern Procurement Landscape

Hear from Industry leading CIOs and CISOs about best practices and approaches to capture attention and cut through the noise in a crowded procurement marketplace. The discussion aims to equip vendors with actionable approaches to strengthen trust, drive collaboration, and enhance their reputation within the IT and security landscape.  


12:30 - 13:30


Buffet Lunch

13:30 - 14:00

Keynote with Q&A - Platinum Sponsor

14:05 - 14:45

Generative AI Adopted on Both Sides of the Battle

As AI increases in sophistication at a frankly alarming rate, we will continue to see more sophisticated and smarter AI-powered attacks. This will range from deep fake social engineering attempts to automated malware that intelligently adapts to evade detection. At the same time, it will help us detect, evade or neutralise threats thanks to real-time anomaly detection, smart authentication and automated incident response.

Key Takeaways:

  • The challenge of new AI powered cyber attacks
  • The value of new sophisticated AI Powered cyber solutions to reduce current and future cyber attacks

Robin Smith, CISO - Aston Martin (16)-1

Continuing Challenge of 3rd Party Risk

According to Gartner, 60% of organisations are now working with more than 1,000 third parties. No industry is exempt from the attention of cybersecurity risks. As the threat landscape constantly evolves, so does third-party risk, How are you working with your partners and suppliers to reduce the ongoing IT security threats across the supply chain?

Key Takeaways:
  • Working with partners and suppliers to increase transparency to new attacks
  • How to avoid future cyber and ransomware attacks across the supply chain

Securing Applications in a Containerized World: Protecting Your Development Pipeline

Explore the security challenges posed by containerization, modern development practices, and the growing complexities of the software supply chain. Learn how to protect your applications from vulnerabilities introduced during development and deployment, and how to secure your containerized environments. This session will also focus on strategies for safeguarding the software supply chain, ensuring that third-party components do not become weak links in your security posture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Best practices for securing containerized applications throughout the development and deployment lifecycle.
  • Techniques to protect against supply chain vulnerabilities, ensuring the integrity of third-party components.

Strategic, predetermined and agreed meetings based on project alignment with executives and solution partners. 

14:50 - 15:30

Demo & Innovation

See first-hand how latest products and services can influence your business

15:30 - 15:45

Networking Break

Take a break and reflect on the afternoon's content with peers

15:45 - 16:20

Revolutionising Customer Experience (CX) - Harnessing Technology Innovation for a Competitive Advantage

Explore the intersection of technology innovation and customer experience (CX) to gain a competitive edge in today's market. Delve into cutting-edge tools and strategies for leveraging technology to transform traditional CX approaches, ultimately driving business growth and customer loyalty. Discover how to implement innovative solutions to revolutionise CX and gain a sustainable competitive advantage in the digital age. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the latest technology trends and their impact on CX.
  • Leveraging technology to create differentiated, personalised, and seamless customer experiences.

Robin Smith, CISO - Aston Martin (17)

Empowering Security: Embracing Zero Trust and SASE for the Modern Enterprise

Delve into the critical significance of Zero Trust and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) in fortifying modern enterprise security postures. By examining the principles and benefits of Zero Trust and SASE, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these frameworks can effectively mitigate evolving cyber threats and secure decentralised work environments. We will explore practical implementation strategies, governance considerations, and the role of emerging technologies in bolstering security. By the workshop's conclusion, participants will be equipped with actionable insights to enhance their organisation's security resilience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the foundational principles of Zero Trust and SASE and their importance in securing modern enterprise networks and data.
  • Gaining insights into practical strategies for implementing and integrating Zero Trust and SASE frameworks to strengthen security postures and adapt to the evolving threat landscape.

Next-Level Phishing Attacks

Social engineering attacks involving tricking users into giving attackers access to systems will also increase in sophistication. Generative AI (such as ChatGPT) tools enable more attackers to make smarter, more personalised approaches, and deepfake attacks will become increasingly prevalent. The response to this will largely revolve around organisation-wide awareness and education, although AI and zero trust will play a growing role, too.

Key Takeaways:

  • Will there be more regulation within cyber security in emerging technologies?
  • How do you detect, evade, and neutralise threats with smarter authentication and Incident response tools

Strategic, predetermined and agreed meetings based on project alignment with executives and vendors.

16:25 - 16:45

Closing Remarks

16:45 - 17:30 

Drinks & Nibbles

Close off the event and final opportunity for networking.


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